Captain, Mi Thinks All Channels Are Clear, Sir… Full Speed Ahead, Mate!

Folk just love entertainment, they rubber-neck and get distracted by vehicular incidents and train wrecks. The bigger the disaster, the more curious they become and, the closer they try to get next to it.
Not even the Greek Poet Homer or Shakespeare could have written the forthcoming tragedy that is now the personification of a President Trump — entering the White House. He has managed to garner the support of large segments of mystified Christians — with longings for a crusade — although he’s not a Christian.
Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another… Homer
Hollywood could not have created or dreamed up a bigger blockbuster crime-drama, comedy, tragedy and / or horror flick than the one that played out on November 8 2016.
Trump has a way of telling his followers that he’s about to harm them in such a slippery way, but to them it sounds like he saying, he loves and cares for them.
To explain his breach on “common sense” and rightness, and ignorance of the master president-imposter — Trump followers are fond of saying, “Take what he says seriously, but don’t take what he says literally.” UUMMM?

What exactly does that mean? No one, in the Mainstream Media pool has asked them for an explanation to that statement. Reporters and talking heads gobble up and repeat those oxymoronic words like turkeys eating their last meal, then spewing it back out through their backend to the public.
America’s President-elect and /or flashy new Titanic boat seems to be sailing along effortlessly — in the eyes of those who have become blinded by the bright “lights” of the glitz and glamour presented by arguably the world’s most inarticulate — but best known snake-oil salesman.
So far, at least, one of the Trump rats (Jason Miller, reportedly who had been offered the position of Communications Director in the new adminstration) bailed off the Titanic, before it does its dance with the iceberg up ahead.
Full speed ahead Admiral, full speed ahead!
The other rats, on board the Trump Titanic, are treading water on the sinking boat, but don’t yet know it — because they think global warming is a myth. Thus the seas will remain calm even as the mind-polluters continue to taunt and pollute nature.
Mother Nature will not be mocked!
Trump has hired former Governor of Texas, Rick “the buffoon” Perry to head up the EPA. Perry once vowed to get rid of the same agency, he’s now been selected to run — the EPA. Another con job.
Hell hast no fury, as Mother Nature when she’s mocked.
So far it appears that some fearful Democratic career politicians are just going along to get along.
Be still my heart; thou hast known worse than this during the voyage to Atlantis… Homer
Mitt Romney measured him spot on when he stated: Donald is a con man, a phony and a fraud.
But most Americans cannot see it. Although many fore-parents fled Britain to escape tyranny and fought a revolution to overthrow the oppression of a king. Today, the collective mind of this generation is yearning for a tyrant-king to rule over them.
One can only conclude that the trait theory is at play here, where “genetic” trait(s) of having a king to lord over them skipped a few generations — and has now resurfaced with a maddening vengeance.
Or perhaps, it’s just a sick and twisted form of Ivan Pavlov’s conditioning taking place on a “human” plane.
Staff Writer: Clinton Alfred