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Moving from innocence to experience, in the eye of the public, has been the experience of many child stars. In most cases, the transition from childhood to adulthood is seamless and unnoticeable.

But for those who have decided to live on the world stage and make their lives public domain, to cope with the ever searing spotlight that shines down on them, developing and/or manifesting other personalities that lurk within their body is a defense mechanism used.
These personalities are alive and well at all times within their psychic, and while some are able keep them subdued in their subconscious world, others are so fortunate and as a consequence the other person (ality) within the body-mind fighting for dominance wins out and the public is made aware of the “star’s” human side or frailties, sometimes manifesting as drug addicts or in whore-like behaviors.

Not unlike Jenny from the block, whose major talent was her body, Beyoncé, although, vocally speaking has far greater talent than Lopez… but still uses her body as the major selling commodity of her trade.

Another child star that had a not so smooth transition, from childhood to adulthood, would be the late great Michael Jackson. In his song, “Don’t Stop ‘til You Get Enough,” the greatest entertainer known to the world over the past 2000 years… Michael talks about a transformative power, a force that takes over his body-mind that makes him “OOH.”
“I was wondering, you know
If you could keep on
Because the force
It’s got a lot of power
And it make me feel like ah,
It make me feel like…”
Michael Jackson

The verdict is still out on former child star Miley Cyrus’ transition. Miley is fast becoming known as a entertainment prankster and antics performer on stage.

SPR Entertainment