The Country Is On A Path To Banana Republicanism… Major Corruption In Trump Land



The Election of Trump to the Presidency: it’s like giving a 7-year old child a loaded gun to play with in school. 

He’s strong enough to pull the trigger, but cannot quite comprehend the power that comes out of the barrel of a gun. Or that once the bullet leaves the chamber, there’s no pulling it back.

That is one of the many things that makes President Twitter Trump so dangerous.

Do You Hear What I Hear: Sheesh, They’re Talking to Me


On day one of his presidency, “strongman” leader of America, Donald Trump appeared in public just to brag about his crowd appeal and to convince the world of how smart he is.

As the leaders of Banana Republics do, he has refused to part ways with his many businesses or to place them in a “blind trust.”

This makes it clear that he ran for the office of the presidency to gain more power and influence and to milk the prestige of the office for all that it is worth.

His selling point was/is to make “America Great Again,” but the plan is to use the office to make deals that will benefit his companies.

A major con job by a major con man.

A hostile Sean Spicer, Trump’s Press Secretary called his first press conference (on Saturday) and used it to lambasted reporters and the media.

Spicer has been likened to “Baghdad Bob,” the former frontman for Saddam Husein during the siege of Iraq.

According to Spicer:

Some members of the media were engaged in deliberately false reporting. Photographs had been framed to minimize the enormous support that had gathered on the National Mall. Spicer then went on to give a bad arithmetic count of the number of people that attended the inauguration.

Baghdad Bob would call pressers and announced to reporters things that were absolutely contrary to reality.

Clinton Franklin