
Reggae Rocker Sea B

With a brand new scorcher, entitled: Journey Through Space and Time.

The album is chuck-full-of- hits. From the romantic balladry and Jazzy tune, “You Make Me Happy” to the melodic chanting song named “Mount Zion. The song Mount Zion should one of the anthems for not only Rastafarians, but Christians and other religious folk who relish the poetic musicianship of the Psalmist David.

The album also covers sultry Soul Singer King Floyd’s nineteen seventy-one hit song, Groove Me. Although, Floyd’s original version is a classic, dare I say that Sea B has made the new version his own, with an added new flare of background vocals and vibrant horns to it. The complete album is a must hear to feel and appreciate the new FLAVA.

Sea B’s videos are on You Tube and his albums are available on iTunes, CD Baby, Spotify and @ Sea B Music.Com and Life Line (DJ Young Boss).