100 Days Of Muck-up, Idiocy And Shortcomings. Trump’s Administration: Liars and Con Men


Fifty percent of Americans have their heads stuck in the sand.

The Donald Trump Presidency and its effect have turned America into an Ostridge.

And most of the civilized world is staring at the exposed back side of the United States, and it’s wondering: why did a nation that came into existence by deposing a king, now opted to have a despotic wannabe monarch rule over them again.

Trump’s First 100 days In The White House

  • Established himself as a super socio-pathological liar — among other dastardly things.


  • Tries to put Pres. Obama in prison — where he thinks all African-Americans belong, by making up false stories about the former president wiretapping his phones in Trump Towers.
Trump Rallies The Oppressed
  • Forced his NSA director (General Mike Flynn) to resign and register as a foreign agent of Turkey and Russia — of which he was and probably still is.
  • Publicly lied about voter fraud taking place during the presidential election, by claiming 3 million plus voters voted illegally — to date he has produced no evidence to back up his outlandish, debunked claim.
  • Publicly lied about the size of the crowd at his inauguration. As usual, he is obsessed with the size of things — like the size of his hands and his little ding-a-ling that he uses his multi-millionaire status to make it appear significant.


  • Trump lied about Pres. Obama using the UK GCHQ to spy on him by tapping Trump Tower. He later apologized for his bold-face lie.
  • On a daily basis, he sends his Press Secretary Sean Spicer out to lie to the American people and the world as a whole.
  • Sends syncopate Kellyann Conway out to make her silly-ass look more asinine than she already is by framing outright lies as “Alternative Facts.”
Trump Psychosis Spreads
  • He has labeled the “Main Stream Media” as the enemy of the people/nation state, in an attempt to have journalists and reporters, who won’t tow the line, targeted for attacks from his fringe followers.


  • Day 70 (03-30-2017) Trump’s former NSA chief Mike Flynn sought immunity from the FBI, in exchange for his testimony. His offer was soundly rejected by both the FBI and Congress.


  • Zeroed out or cut after school programs for kids and destroyed the “Meals on Wheels” program that assists the elderly and “needy.”
  • Appoint several men and women as heads of departments that those men and females have contrary points of view to what those agencies are supposed to foster.
  • Fired Acting Attorney General Sally Q. Yates, after she revealed to him that Gen. Michael Flynn had ties to Russia and possibly worked as a Russian agent.
  •  Tuesday (4-4-2017) Trump’s confidant Steve Bannon ousted as his chief strategist. Reports claim newly appointed NSA director Mc Master wants him out; others say his ouster was due to feuds with Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner.

Sun 4-9-2017  K.T. McFarland ousted from her position of deputy director of the NSA, the word on the street is that the new NSA General Mac Master fingerprint all over it.

  • The President Publicly feuded with the heads of states of several allied nations, and even yelled at Australia’s President during a phone conversation, just to continually prove his ignorance and arrogance on the world stage.


  • Day 97 Trump and his administration refused to turn over documents on General Flynn to Congress that would show his connection to Russia.
  • Day 98 (Thursday 04-27-2017) backpedal to a significant part of the stance he’d taken on NAFTA during the campaign. Congress announced that his former NSA head had made money from Russia.
  • President Trump threatens a “major, major” war with another mad man in the north, Kim Jung Un of Korea.

Day 100 (Saturday 4-29-2017) Trump refused to attend the White House   Correspondents Dinner, instead, he held an opposing event where he lambasted the 87% of the news media for doing its job.

The facts in this article have not been chronologically ordered…

The elephant continues his rampage throughout the China Shop.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

About SPR112.Com 342 Articles
SPR112.COM is an online news source. Editor C. Franklin: 55 YO male registered Independent loves God, country, mother, and apple pie. The thought police are busy at work, as was Romania's ex-dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu suppressing thoughts. The people prevailed. Partisanism is like religion/cultism; it clouds the mind.