84 Year Old Quincy Jones Dated Ivanka Trump?
“Q” The Producer of M. Jackson’s “Off The Wall” Album is Claiming Up The Wall.
Could it be a lack of oxygen to the brain or an overdose of Prevagen?
After winning a multi-million dollar judgment against Sony Music Corp and Michael Jackson’s estate Quincy Jones has suddenly decided to speak candidly about SEX, women and other men.

The legendary record producer only briefly touched upon his sexuality and penchant for same-sex copulation.
Tu-Pac Shakur (when he was alive and dated one of Quincy’s daughters) mentioned that Q. Jones wanted him to bone him in the ass.
He refused, and his career went south for a while.
Pryor’s widow Jennifer Lee claims that the rumors of Brando and Richard are true. She plans to release Richard’s diaries that says will verify the sexcapade.
She says Pryor did not make any bones about his bisexuality when he was alive.
Ms. Lee has been sued by Richard Pryor Jr. in the past for scamming the older Pryor into singing over his estates to her while he was mentally and physically incapacitated.

Jennifer, who has had a strained relationship with Richard Jr., has all the rights to her late husband’s material and recordings.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2701313/Richard-Pryors-son-hits-stepmother-Jennifer-Lee-cease-desist-letter-biopic.html#ixzz56U94iRfU
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To many people, Jennifer Lee is seen as someone who always speaks derogatorily about her late husband — Richard Pryor.
Marlon Brando was an American film legend mostly remembered for playing the iconic role of Don Corleone in the God Father movie.
The great James Baldwin (author of “The Fire Next Time”) was an American writer, poet, novelist, essayist, playwright, poet, and social critic who spoke out against the civil rights abuses perpetrated against African-Americans during and beyond the “Civil Rights era.
Vulture: In Conversation with Quincy Jones.
“Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer…” Don Corleone