Protesters, Get Over It, T Rump “Won!” Now What?

A Decision Made

It is a Right to Protest, But How About Organizing Early For The Next Election?

A Decision Made
A Decision Made

The world is shocked, Americans shocked, at the thought of a Trump presidency. But while the rest of the world is shocked, awed and annoyed by a T rump presidency — it is the Americans who are truly feeling the pain.

The current situation is akin to when someone loses a loved one and neighbors and friends call to comfort with words of encouragements and rationalizations. But friends and neighbors really cannot appreciate the pain that is felt by the disappointment of another.

It is the person who suffers the lost, is the person who truly knows the hurt and pain. So while the rest of the world tries to empathies, those that are protesting are the ones feeling the pain. Although, well… A Bigot Protested is nothing new in America.

According to psychologists: there are five stages of grief that humans go through when they suffer a wound, a loss or great disappointment. The first stage is denial, stage (2) is anger, which is what the protesters are now experiencing, and is one of the acts guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

The Way The World’s Cartoonists See It

Then there is stage (3), bargaining. The disappointed will get to that phase soon, where they will begin to bargain with themselves about their disappointment(s) and might even strike a deal with the devil himself, next they will move on to stage (4) depression… this is the most delibertating  (psychologists and psychiatrists should prepare themselves for an influx of new patients)  and the 5ht and final stage is acceptance of in this case what many perceived as a loss of .

So some of you want to move to Canada. How about standing your ground.

It’s  time to move on and begin to prepare yourselves for the next election. Quitters never win and winners never quit, as the old song says.

It’s time to protect your assets, because the bull, the jackass, the elephant has been let loose in the China Shop (America), who knows the degree of destruction that it will do.

But for those of you that feel you must leave, I say Come back soon    

If you got to leave take good care… Cat Stevens

America is still the greatest country on the planet earth, regardless of what Trump says.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin


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SPR112.COM is an online news source. Editor C. Franklin: 55 YO male registered Independent loves God, country, mother, and apple pie. The thought police are busy at work, as was Romania's ex-dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu suppressing thoughts. The people prevailed. Partisanism is like religion/cultism; it clouds the mind.