On Thursday, April 18th; two mad
Less than a week ago, about 200 teenage idlers, from J.P. Taravelle High School, gathered at a McDonald in the city of Tamarac to observe a planned fight between students. Alerted to the melee about to take place; BSO deputies rushed to the location to quell the disturbance.
On scene were BSO Deputy Christopher Krickovich and SGT Gregory LaCerra who already are high on disdain for African-Americans — they observed a rudderless teenager who steps out of line. Overcome with hatred, rage and a sense that most white Americans will applaud and support their brutal actions taken against an African-American juvenile, BSO Deputies Krickovich (7-years with BSO) and Gregory (19-years of service) went on an attempted murderous attack.

First, they (BSO) pepper-sprayed the teen then they jumped on top him, straddling him like a Go-Go sex-doll in New York Central Park preppie style strangulation. BSO Deputy Krickovich soon began to bang the teen’s head on the concrete MMA style.
Broward Sheriff Office union president Jeff Bell who has never seen a criminal police action that he didn’t like, condone, celebrate and support was quick to jump to the defense of the malignant deputies. However, many in the black community are calling for their removal.
The city of Tamarac met with usurper Sheriff Gregory Tony today to address the issue. While meeting in an open forum, Tony decided to act up like a bootlicking Neglect. Gregory Tony while wearing his service revolver took a fighting stance and became exceedingly aggressive with Commissioner Marlon Bolton — during questioning.
Where’s his father?
Sheriff Tony, whose face looks like the back-end of a curly tail lizard did not feel that an African-American commissioner should question him or has the authority to question him. Sheriff Tony (an Affirmative Action hire) was selected for the Sheriff post by Governor Ron DeSantis after the removal of Sheriff Scott Israel — a duly elected Sheriff.
At first, after the mash-up, the two brutal deputies were placed on admin duty but later on, due to an outcry from Social Media and the community, they were suspended with pay.
Concrete and head don’t go together. Murderer George Zimmerman was set free after his trial of the killing of Travon Martin. The racist jury claimed that Zimmerman was justified in killing Martin because Martin was banging his head on the concrete. We can’t have it both ways.

The state attorney’s office decided against pressing charges against the battered teen Delucca Rolle. Attorney Sue-Ann Robinson upon learning that the teen would not be charged commented: God is good — you know — justice has been served.
WOW! Is she an attorney? My goodness, it’s about time they stop allowing some people to skate through law school on their knees and back. It has been reported that the attorney who is known for biting his words while speaking (Benjamin Crump) will join the team of jokers representing the teen. Let the Side Show begin.