The Megyn Kelly Flop Show.
Comcast’s Mega-million dollar bet on a white racist television host has gone south.
There aren’t too many managers who can flush $69 million of shareholders money down the drain and still keep their job.
Megyn Kelly played well when she was on Fox News Channel spouting the lyrics of White Supremacy to a backward audience.

Kelly would spread fake news, while on Fox, telling her audience that Santa Clause is white. She also likes to push the notion that Jesus; historical or not, (but God to many) was white. She spends most of her waking hours opposing the struggles of African-Americans for rightness.
She also likes to push the notion that Jesus; historical or not, (but God to many) was white. She spends most of her waking hours opposing the struggles of African-Americans for rightness.
NBC’s top dog Andrew Lack smitten by Kelly’s lack of brevity and substance sought to broaden her message of hate. He fool-heartedly signed Ms. Kelly to a 23 million dollars per year three-year-contract.
When Cable giant Comcast (MSNBC’s parent company) gambles big on mediocre talent and loses big, it easily recoups its money by passing the costs on to its customers.
Often, NBC’s parent company, Comcast customers are hit with exorbitant charges and burdened with mediocre service.
Megyn Kelly “Today” show on NBC has lost a 32% share of its audience that it had the same time slot last year.
Consequently, it pulling down the ratings of other shows that it’s a “lead-in for, such as Kathy Gifford’s show which took a 26% hit in audience share.”
As reported here on ten months ago: MSNBC Andrew Lack, lacks good judgment, Hires Fox News Megyn Kelly.
Statement of a White Supremacist: Kelly.
Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin
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