On The Menu: Great Dane’s Ass.
Hormone Imbalanced Hoodrat Bites Into Dog Handler!
A low self-esteemed hoodrat tried to justify her dastardly behavior in a restaurant full of trailer-park misfits, by saying her husband is white and his dad served in the military.
The thunderous argument between Ciara Miller (who is black) and other white customers, the owner and employees of a restaurant in Delaware called Kathy’s Crab House, began when a PTSD veteran entered the pub with his service animal (a Great Dane).
And according to Ciara, the vet positioned the dog’s ass where it came face to face with her face.
At which time; Ciara the testosterone burdened loon decided to leave the restaurant. Upon leaving, Ciara said she was confronted by a Tommy Ill-figured employee and it was on.

The owner of Kathy’s Crab Louse Restaurant posted the video online, perhaps to prove that he serves dog ass to his customers or maybe just to portray La Shakela in a bad light.
Maybe Ms. Miller would feel more a home if the service animal were a pit bull. Miller claims that the white patrons told her that the dog has more rights than her — Miller and that’s what set her off.
She also claims that they called her the n-word and a slew of other racial slurs — in front of her daughter. The n-word? What’s that? Why tidy it up? White bigots don’t call anyone the n-word. I have never heard anyone say: Hey you n-word!
I have heard the phrase: Hey, you nigger before! One has to develop a thick skin. There is a time and a place for everything. And Shakela felt out of place in that restaurant, and that is why she went off.
One has to develop a thick skin. There is a time and a place for everything. And La Shakela AKA Ciara Miller felt out of place in that restaurant, and that is why she went off.
Oddly, the shirt her “husband” wore at the time of the verbal brawl reads “The Fight Factory.”
The video shows an overly verbal aggressive female black surrounded an angry swarm of white restaurant patrons who themselves look like they barely escaped from the Caucasoid Mountains less than a half generation ago.
Her husband who she claims is white just stood there looking sheepishly and embarrassed.
My advice is this: Dude, get out while you can. That is grounds for divorce. Irreconcilable differences.
Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin