Penis Envy: It’s Real!
It’s funny to hear a female talk about routes.
… Cam Newton, NFL football player.
All men should be sexually penetrated at least once in their lives.
… Tom Ford movie director and Fashion Designer.
Nascar Dale Earnhart’s a bitch nigga.’ My dad is the best — racist jokes the whole drive home.
… Jourdan Rodrigue Charlotte Observer reporter
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”
Ms. Jourdan Rodrigue should have considered the above statement made by Jesus the Christ before calling for the crucifixion of Cam Newton based on his snide remark.

But no one should be surprised by her quick Pavlov’s doggie style salivating response at the thought of another African-American being hung out to dry on an oak tree.
So hang a little nigga on the old oak tree, if you’re still with me to show you with daddy.
The crappy company that is responsible for pushing a lousy tasting yogurt on the populace THE DANNON COMPANY INC on Thursday cut the young athlete off at the knee. Newton lost his Dannon sponsorship/endorsement.
The move by Dannon against Newton was swift and merciless.
While on the other hand, the Charlotte Observer newspaper stands steadfast in support of Rodrigue and her racist tweets.
Granted Jourdan apologized for her “offensive tweets, ” and it seems all have accepted her apology, but can folk not accept Newton’s apology as well?
I apologize for the offensive tweets from my Twitter account, Ms. Rodrigue tweeted after her racist’s tweets, and she were revealed as a White Supremacist.
She goes on to say; there is no excuse for her racist rants (made on Twitter) and claims that she was sorry for them and the sentiments behind them.
Would someone not somewhat be shocked by a “sexist knucklehead because s/he is doing a good job (and have a sexist say I’m surprised you’re that verse at what you do) than to be lynched by a racist?
Tom Ford and Jourdan Rodrigue enjoy the full support of America, for their sexist and racist taunts, while Cam Newton gets tarred and feathered.

Many of the people crying foul on Newton are the same ones that voted to elevate Donald Trump to the highest office in America.
‘The earth moves at 450 + mph that’s (sic) 10 times thriller than Nascar. Dale Earnhart’s a bitch nigga.’
My dad is super-racist, as we drive through Navaho land, he’s the best — racist jokes the whole drive home.
Sexism vs. Racism?
Castrate one, revere, shield and protect the other, it must be nice to be white, female and blonde in America.
Most racialists are like Jourdan Rodrigue, they were birthed on and grew up on a steady diet of bigotry. Their hatred of others is buried in their subconscious mind and fleshed into their DNA.
There are triggers in life that propel them to act against their perceived enemy. They are confederates to systematic and institutionalized bigotry.
They know that it is their duty and station in life is to maim, kill and destroy specific segments of society every chance they get.
The 3rd stanza of the Star-spangled Banner reads
“No refuge could save the hireling and slave,
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave.and the Star Spangle-Banner in triumph doth wave
in the the land of the free home of the brave.
“And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion,
A home and a country, should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.”
Francis Scott Key, Author of the Star Spangled Banner and vicious enslaver
Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin