From A Cabinet Full Of Viagra Men, Now To A White House Chock-Full Of Liars.

Melissa McCarthy As Sean Spicer... Dead Ringer


There’s A New Set Of Verbiage Being Spoon-fed To The Public To Sugar Coat Lies.

When Trump’s Minister of Propaganda (Kellyanne Conway) isn’t out working the media circuit spreading “alternative facts,” about everything Trump and speaking outright lies about a Bolling Green massacre… it is Sean Spicer taking his turn to feed misinformation, mischaracterization and alternative facts to the public.

Melissa McCarthy As Sean Spicer… Dead Ringer

Additionally, there’s another Trumpees, Stephen Miller who has grabbed the attention of the news media, by continuing the tale of wide-spread voter fraud and telling bold-faced lies.

Apparently, the more vicious the set of lies are that someone from Trump’s inner circle perpetrates on the public, the bigger the reward they get from the President — regarding a nod of approval and pat on the back.

This kind of behavior only puts Trump in the light of a Man of Perdition.

Joining the freak show — for a 24-day period —  is a once respectable man, 3-star General Michael Flynn. The question is why someone of his caliber would put his reputation on the line for a nitwit like Donald Trump?

Perhaps revenge against Obama for canning his ass earlier.

Well, General Flynn has now been forced to resign, for allegedly telling lies to VP Pence — or to put it more politely, he mischaracterized the truth.

Well, Trump asked recently, what is going on in Chicago? The question now is: What the hell is going on in the White House — which has become a next full of cuckoos.

Something is going on folks.

One of the sad things about it is that there are over 60 million American citizens who voted for the President — and they just can’t see it — or maybe they just don’t want to see it.

There’s some mass-illusion taking place — surrounding Trump and his peers/pees. encourage opposing points of view. Let your voice be heard.

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

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SPR112.COM is an online news source. Editor C. Franklin: 55 YO male registered Independent loves God, country, mother, and apple pie. The thought police are busy at work, as was Romania's ex-dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu suppressing thoughts. The people prevailed. Partisanism is like religion/cultism; it clouds the mind.