Ronald T. Rump Healthiest Man Alive!
At about 03:33 hours, I was sent, by my employer, to Doctor Bada Bada Quack Quack’s office to pick up a letter that actually was written by my boss. The fantastic letter was dropped off earlier to the good Doctor’s office so it could be signed personally by Doctor Quack, Quack.
The reason for the early morning pick up? Well, initially, I misplaced the money envelope for the good Doctor and two (2), Doctor Quack; Quack prefers his payments be delivered clandestinely to him in person and not under the table while other patients are in his office.
Although, recently there have been some concerns about my boss’ health, because of the extremely well written, professional letter signed by Doctor Quack, Quack that some in the News Media thought was written by my boss. Why? I don’t know! I personally can testify to the fact that he (my boss) is the healthiest man alive. And Doctor Quack, Quack letter will back that up.
If you guys knew how healthy he was, your collective heads would spin like an Exorcist.
He is fantastic, fantastic I tell you.
He has the biggest penis in the whole wide world and he does not need a tender-aged mail order wife to change his pampers.
Also, he’s not afraid of his own shadow and his shit doesn’t stink. In fact, his shit comes in cans… mailed directly to him from Rump Tower. Therefore, he’s not full of shit like some have insinuated. So never mind his big pot belly, that’s just an indication of the size of his big brain that he carries around in his gut.
Na, nan, nan naa naaaa!
So despite the perpetual pained look on my boss’ face, he is the healthiest man alive!
By: Mary-Lou Gossip