Pulitzer Prize Winner George F. Will Fired, By Fox News.
Veteran Conservative Washington Post Columnist and Fox News commentator, George F. Will has been fired by Fox News.
One of the rear voices of reason and intellectual amongst Republicans, Will left the Republican Party in June of last year.

Citing as his reason for leaving, the fact that the party had become, more or less a party of Trump.
Trump had also lashed out at Will and called him an overrated Journalist who got it wrong several times.
FOX also cut ties with political strategist Ed Rollins. While on air at Fox News, Rollins has a tendency to be a straight shooter and call it as it is. That is considered a bad trait at Fox News.
The Channel caters to an extreme right-wing audience and serves mostly as mouthpiece and propaganda machine for Trump and others of his ilk.
As reported here on SPR112.com, MSNBC, last week, fired “Today” host Tamron Hall. Ms. Hall was never shy about challenging her rightwing guests when they appeared on her show and spoke “alternative facts.”
So far, Fox hasn’t dropped the shoe yet on its other outspoken African-American commentator Juan Williams.
Maybe, Fox management is waiting on their star-bigot Bill O’riley to give the word — on Juan.
The former leader of the Brexit movement, and loudmouth supporter of Donald Trump, Nigel Farage has been hired on at Fox, as a commentator. Farage is Brittain’s equivalent of America’s David Duke.
Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin