More Swamp Monsters Emerge, As Trump Drains The Swamp

Olympic Swimmer In Rio
Olympic Swimmer In Rio
Olympic Champion  Swimmer John Bolton, In Rio

President-elect Trump continues to drain the  swamp and rakes the bottom to find like-minded members to fill his Cabinet.

LT. Gen. Michael Flynn has been named as National Security Adviser. He will be advising the President on how to water-board Muslim-Americans — that his forte.

Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions (70 Y.O.) has been named as Attorney General. Sessions will advise Donald on how to put African-Americans in their place and call them boy, as he did when he was Alabama State Attorney General… where he called a Black attorney a boy and voiced his support for the Ku Klux Klan.

Video of Trump As He  Brags About the Good Old Days

Does Michael Richards VIDEO (Kramer) of Seinfeld’s sounds similar to Trump’s. Richards talks a about 50 years ago how they would have a black man upside-down with a pitch fork up his ass. Just for “speaking out of turn.”To Make America Great Again, we only have to go back 50 years ago.

Also named as CIA director is U.S. Rep. Miki Pompeo. Pompeo who is a hate-filled Tea-Publican and was sent to Congress in 2010 with money from the KOCH boys — owners of the Wichita-based conglomerate.

Other swamp monsters that are still at the bottom waiting to be fished out; are Newt Gingrich (73 years old), John Bolton 68 who is calling for regime change in Iran. In other words, he is calling for war with Iran. Old men for counsel. Young men for war.

Trump Attorney General-select Sessions
Trump Attorney General-select Sessions

We all know the Iranians are just waiting to rollover and change regime at the request of the U.S., YEAH.

The age of these bigots says a lot. They hearken back to a time when America was great, because Blacks knew their place and they could be beaten and  killed at will — with impunity.

Staff Writer: John Wainwright / C. Franklin Contributed to this story


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SPR112.COM is an online news source. Editor C. Franklin: 55 YO male registered Independent loves God, country, mother, and apple pie. The thought police are busy at work, as was Romania's ex-dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu suppressing thoughts. The people prevailed. Partisanism is like religion/cultism; it clouds the mind.