The Aliens Are Talking, Be Quite! ( Blah, Blab, Blab, Blah)
Trump’s Fists, Face and Head, Will be Sore By the Time he Get’s Through Fighting His Many Demons…
because, they’re all in his head.
The Primaries are over. The Republican candidates that Donald Trump competed against and trounced have all fallen to the wayside.
The “Low energy Jeb, Lil Marco, Lying Ted and the Kasich that Donald claims eats like a slob have gone back to their respective corners of the country licking their wounds that Donald inflected upon them.
Make no mistake, some of Trump’s opponents during the primaries, such as Sen. Graham and Kasich, are men of principle and values, even if their brand of “values” fly in the face of what Trump, his supporters and many Republicans find distasteful — the recognition of the unalienable rights of all citizens of the United States of America.
All of these men and a woman stood shoulder to shoulder with Trump, during the primaries, spoke more intelligently than he did and displayed a command of U.S. policies and politics. Most of them offered substantive arguments at the debates.
However, Trump was able to take them down, one by one. Here’s the main reason why:
It is because, in the past, when Donald would spew his toxic brand of bigotry and name-calling, towards other groups, they believed to be the others, they refused to call him out on it.
But all the while (throughout the years of Obama bashing) Trump was building his brand. All the while Trump was tapping into the subconscious of a mindset of what Hillary describes as a basket of deplorable(s). All the while Trump was using trigger words that cause some to hearken back to a time when it was OK to attack, beat and abuse certain groups with impunity.
So those who stayed in their safe corners and allowed Donald’s brand of hate to flourish, didn’t know how to deal effectively with him when he began to excoriate and lash them with his acerbic tongue.
Because they were safe in their corner of the world and enjoyed the support of the NAKED citizens of the state or province that they represent.
Why did they allow Donald’s brand to grow?
Because they are good gentile white men and women and they weren’t affected by his repugnant follies and would not be affected by the plague that flowed out of his heart and through his mouth.
At least, so they thought… Until it was their turn to stand in the presence of Donald’s big cannon gun that fires the worst kind of tarry sludge.
So on the debate stage they were tarred and feathered, just like Trump’s other “victims” of hate — including President Obama.
As soon and as fast as they could disinfect themselves of Trump’s sludge, he would cover them with more.
Trump sucked up al the air in the room, the other candidates withered and “died” so to say.
The Media is what’s left to point out the ignorance of trump, subsequently, he has declared war against them.
A quick review of what happened between the primaries and now. It’s all about branding and Donald’s national brand of hate politics was propped up and made to flourish by the silence of his Republican cohorts who felt safe and protected in their niche corner of the world.
Fast forward to a bigger and more powerful zoom scope, with brighter lights that are used on the national a stage and Journalists selected from amongst their peers as the best and brightest in the business, and those politicians withered.
Why? Because they’re not used to fielding questions of national importance, (2) they weren’t prepared and (3) they message lacked consistency.
Donald on the other hand, even though he is extremely deficient in his mental capacity and lacks the most basic knowledge of the inner workings of government… his message of hate remained the same from start to finish. His virulent bigoted statements are consistent with that of other Tea-Publicans Red Coats who have been trying to overthrow the government, ever since President Obama was elected to serve as President.
So to date, Trump has managed to eked out and syphoned off a reported fourteen million angry and resentful Americans, some of whom are threatening “bloodshed and revolution,” if Donald isn’t given the keys to the Whitehouse — come January 20, 2017.
The good news is this: 1776 will not commence all over again, when our first woman president steps into the Oval Office, and takes her seat to lead this nation on its continued path of success.
The Red Coats will just have to go back to their corner of the world and enjoy the blessings that have been bestowed upon this great nation by Providence.
Congratulations Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton on your stamina patience intelligence and staying power.
Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin
Upcoming Article(s) by Clinton Franklin: The Greatest Clown Alive — Donald Trump — Has Declared War on Three Separate Fronts
Now that he has handily beaten his Republican rivals, Donald Trump, the man who claims to know more than the Generals and likes to fight war… has now declared war on the Media, his Party affiliates and Hillary Clinton — at once.
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