Pres Trump: Mexico Will Pay For The Wall… Mexico’s Pres: Make Me, A. H.

Pena Nieto: I Ain't Scared

Off -The-Wall Trump  And Mexico’s Pena Nieto Play Chicken On The Wall

President Enrique Pena Nieto of Mexico, in light of Donald Trump’s latest reiteration that we are going to build the wall and that Mexico will pay for it — responded in so many words… make us pay for it.

On Wednesday Trump ordered the beginning of construction of a wall between the two countries, so said a senior Trump official.His statement could not be verified and it is a known fact that Trump and his motley crew of officials often tell lies or make statements that they call alternative facts.

And sometimes they plant fake news stories just to see how gullible the  Main Stream Media is.

Trump knows that Main Stream Media like to eat up his words like hungry mother birds, then regurgitate it back down the throats of the public/baby birds.

It’s been noted that Mexican President is reconsidering his scheduled visit to Washington for next week, in light of the “wall” controversy.

Pena Nieto said he has not fully ruled out a trip to Washington to meet with Trump. Right now, he awaits advice from Mexican officials who are now in Washington.

He said he would await reports from the high-level team of Mexican officials currently meeting with Trump administration officials in Washington.

Staff  Writer: Clinton Alfred

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SPR112.COM is an online news source. Editor C. Franklin: 55 YO male registered Independent loves God, country, mother, and apple pie. The thought police are busy at work, as was Romania's ex-dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu suppressing thoughts. The people prevailed. Partisanism is like religion/cultism; it clouds the mind.