Trump Is Upset Black Athletes Make Millions Of Dollars.
The President whose grandfather was a pimp and hustler of women.
The President whose father was a neo-Nazi and inciter of race riots.
The President who feels he’s entitled (by way of his celebrity) to grab women by the pussy that he doesn’t even know.

The President who has hired a mail ordered bride with a rat face that looks like that of US Attorney General Jeff Sessions — now calls black women bitches because they have a difference of opinion as to how to peaceably protest.
C’mon Mr. President, you can do better than that. We know there are some issues within the black communities, as it relates to some black women. But to broad stroke, the mothers of all black athletes is unfair and is just not the right thing to do.
But to full stroke, tar and feathered the parents of all black athletes is unfair and is just not the right thing to do.
We know when you get around a bunch of hillbillies, you get carried away and to make them feel good about themselves, you have to say stupid things.

Apparently, you believe you have to demean, belittle and castigate those that they feel they have displaced them.
But you don’t have to chasten all the mothers of a few entertainers who choose to exercise their first amendment right.
“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespect our flag, to say, ‘get that son of a bitch off the field right now, he’s fired?’” President Trump speaking to his followers.
Stephen Curry has the right to refuse to visit the White House if he so chooses. It appears that one of your problems is that you don’t believe that black people have the right to make up their minds and to move about freely within these United States of America — to come and go as they please.
Most of these athletes aren’t the Omarosas and Paris Denard plantation mindset and feeble-minded sycophants that you surround yourself with and use as props.
Most of these athletes are free thinkers with a Kunta Kente like spirit and not the mind of Chicken George dwellers.
No wonder Lebron James called you a BUM because you behave like one.
Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin