The Wicked Witch Of The West Going 2 The West-Wing 2 Counsel Trump In The White House

Kellyanne Conway

Not that Trump needs anyone to advise him on how to hate, but…

Donald Trump’s spokesperson and front woman KellyAnne Conway will be moving to the White House as Donald’s main counselor.

Conway was hired, late in the campaign, as an apologist for Trump’s crude and out of control crass statements and behavior.

Conway joined the campaign, at a time when the President-elect was under fire for not having any high-ranking women (aside from his daughter Ivanka) in his close inner circle. Her role was to act more as spokesperson than a campaign manager.

When Trump came under fire for the infamous Billy Bush “Grab them by the p%&$y” tape, she appeared on television using the phrase “pussy footing around” to normalize the word p%$$y at the breakfast table.

America enjoyed it and ate it up… Conway is constantly seen on TV with that glazed grin on her face that looks like that of a brain-washed cult follower.

Notice her plastic “smile.” Although, she shows her teeth, she’s not really laughing or smiling. Her eyes aren’t smiling — they betray her true vicious personality. 

Most people have seen hyenas, wolves and jackals with a more warm and friendlier smiles than hers.

Her joining Trump campaign, as a woman, was akin to a Black man joining the David Duke propaganda machine — but this kind of farce is not unheard of, because they were Blacks that fought on the side of Robert E. Lee’s terror machine to help keep them (the enslaved) in servitude.

Similarly they were Blacks — mostly bought and paid for crooked ministers — running around apologizing for T. Rump during his campaign of threats and terror.

Conway who is a Republican pollster and is widely known to African-Americans as someone with a mind-set that is like a petri-dish fosters and grows hate-filled detrimental pronouncements towards Black Americans, their hopes, dreams and their children.

Conway replaced Trump’s National Spokesperson Katrina Pierson as a front woman for the campaign. Pierson is also known as a Trump PET often appears on TV and make silly statements on behalf of Trump. She, as well, often sports a glazed-on cult follower-like grin on her face.



                                                                                                         Katrina “Silly Grin” Peirson


 Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin


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SPR112.COM is an online news source. Editor C. Franklin: 55 YO male registered Independent loves God, country, mother, and apple pie. The thought police are busy at work, as was Romania's ex-dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu suppressing thoughts. The people prevailed. Partisanism is like religion/cultism; it clouds the mind.

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