Trump: From Leader of the Birther Movement to Leader of the Birth of a Nation Movement

The Falcon & The Snowman
The Falcon & the Dough Man

After launching and carrying out (for several yeas) a campaign of hate against Obama and his family by claiming that President Obama was not born in the United States — thus making him an illegitimate occupant of the  Whitehouse — Trump has now set his eyes, hopes and dreams on winning the presidential election and making the Whitehouse his home.

Well if Obama’s place of birth was questionable, in the minds of the Tea-Publicans and Birth of a Nation throw-backs and nostalgic, ALA D  W Griffith’s epic?

Well, subsequently, that made Obama’s tenure as President and his residency at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, illegitimate and illegal… That has been one of the major arguments of the Red Coats or Tea-Publicans all along — it’s their latest battle cry and beef with African-Americans.


While on the campaign trail, Trump the ever-irrational projectionist that he is, even questioned Lying Ted’s legitimacy of being a tenant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue — should he win the election and become President.

Will the American people now overlook the evidence and fact as to where Trump’s mail-ordered bride was born.

The fact that she (Ms. Trump) is a foreign-born national… what makes her more qualified to take up residence in the Whitehouse than a man whose birth mother was a bonafied American born citizen?

Some people are saying that Melania Trump (who is from one the satellite nations of the dismantled USSR is a long-term Russian mole that Vladimir Putin (a former Russian Intelligence Officer) has a special interest in getting into the Whitehouse.

The Cold War continues.

Trump who is well-known for making crude and racist remarks about other ethnic and racial groups, now attracts some of the most virulent bigots in American politics. One of Trump’s tail-coat-riders and surrogate and staunchest supporter is US Senator Jeff Sessions who is on record as a supporter of the Ku Klux Klan, as reported by Thomas Figures, a black Assistant U.S. Attorney. Figures also testified that Sessions called him a “boy.”

This reporter was not able to verify whether or not that Sessions is related to — Moultrie McKinney Sessions, an attorney — and one of the main lynch mobsters that broke Leo Frank out of jail (in 1915) and lynched him. Leo Frank who was of Jewish heritage was accused of and convicted of the rape and murder of Mary Phagan — in 1913.

Trump has also taken full page ad calling for the lynching of black youths in New York that were accused of rape.

Opinion Writer: Jon Dickinson



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SPR112.COM is an online news source. Editor C. Franklin: 55 YO male registered Independent loves God, country, mother, and apple pie. The thought police are busy at work, as was Romania's ex-dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu suppressing thoughts. The people prevailed. Partisanism is like religion/cultism; it clouds the mind.