Trump To Pundits, Talking Heads and Pollsters: Analyze THIS!

The Mature Thing To Do


The Mature Thing To Do
The Mature Thing To Do

The Electoral College has given the presidency of the United States to Donald Trump. The final vote count: 290 to 232 in favor of Trump.

Mrs. Clinton won the popular vote, at a count of approximately 59, 300, 400 votes to Trump’s 59, 300, 000 votes — not a wide margin, but a win none-the-less, 48% to 48% statistically speaking.

Trump’s Strength on Display

The pollsters, pundits and talking heads are left scratching their heads wondering how did they missed the markers of angry white America?

Well, be perplexed no more. Actually the pollsters got it right, if the polling was conducted among the voters. The drawback is: they failed to poll the Electoral College. The real angry tiny basket of deplorables that Hillary mentioned in one of her speeches.

The world is left scratching its collective head also. They know that if Trump were a doctor, he would be recognized and be known as a quack, just as he has racked up dozens of law suits for his business practices, he would have been sued for medical mal-practice.

Because he does irreparable harm to most people he deals with.

Here are some Headlines from the mindset of other nations:

Spain’s el Periodicao News Paper reads: Dios Perdone a America (God Pardon America).

Canada’s: le Journal de Montreal: Oh My God, Australian Daily Telegraph: W.T.F., so while KGB Intelligence Officer Vladimir Putin is celebrating his mole in the Whitehouse, the rest of the world is in shock. Israel’s: The Haaretz news paper: Donald Shocks the World, The Arab News: In Surprise Win, Donald Becomes 45th President.

During the cold war, the United States won the war by driving the former USSR into bankruptcy. Now Russian President Putin has helped to put (the king of bankruptcy) Donald Trump into the Whitehouse.

Finally, the KGB can say: CHECK MATE!

Staff Writer: John Wainwright

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SPR112.COM is an online news source. Editor C. Franklin: 55 YO male registered Independent loves God, country, mother, and apple pie. The thought police are busy at work, as was Romania's ex-dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu suppressing thoughts. The people prevailed. Partisanism is like religion/cultism; it clouds the mind.