Violent Protesters, Who Shut Down Free Speech?
One bullet stops a lot of Thuggeries: Time for another Kent State… Dan Adamini (Michigan Republican party official)

A Michigan Republican leader has called for a massacre of college students who protests speaking events of alt-right speakers.
It is one thing to use free speech to try and curtail someone else’s right to exercise their first amendment right.
But it is quite another thing to publicly call for the murder of others who choose to use their freedom of expression through non-violent means. After-all, this is the 21st century.
In the not so distant past, back in the 20th century:
On May 4, 1970, Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on student protesters at Kent State University.The students were protesting the Vietnam war and a bombing that occurred days earlier in Cambodia.
As the Guardsmen fired tear gas at the students, some students called them “pigs” and lodged the tear gas canisters back at the guards. The guards advanced on the students, opened fire on them killing four and injuring nine others.
The event left not just the families of the dead and wounded, devastated, but millions of Americans scared for life.
Dan Adamini’s Tweets came in light of the recent protests at U C Berkeley, where “alt-right” speaker and Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopolus was forced to cancel his speaking event due to on campus protesters.
It’s reported that Yiannopolus has been banned from Twitter — permanently for harassment.
Adamini also tweeted, The violent protesters at our universities indicate portage acacian at the lower level. I’m thinking another Kent State might be the only solution. WTF!
Whatever the eff portage acacian means. Perhaps, it is time for Dan (the Ninny) Adamini join the college students; he might learn something from them.
Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin