Young ex-Blaze News commentator, Tomi Lahren once stated — in so many words — that she been a racist since she could talk.
She was on the Bill O’Riley Factor “No Spin Zone” show when she made those statements.
Now talk has it that the fast-talking hypersensitive Lahren who recently got ex-communicated from her job at the Blaze, after running afoul of her boss Glenn Beck and his conservative listeners — Lahren is now vying for O’Riley’s eight o’clock prime slot on Fox News Channel.
In an appearance on the “View,” the giddy-headed Lahren proclaimed that she was Pro-choice and lambasted her Republican tag-a-longs for being what they are — hypocrites.
I’m pro-choice and here is why! I’m a constitutional, you know someone that loves the Constitution. Except when Black people and “Black Lives Matter” try to exercise their constitutional right.
I’m someone that’s for limited government. So I can’t sit here and say I’m for limited government and say the Government should tell a woman what to do with her body.
I’m pro-choice, I want the government to stay out of my guns and stay out of my body.
Tomi peeps just did not get it, and so they CLAPped Back at her, and Beck suspended her from the Blaze.
In making such a statement, Ms. Lahren miscalculated the resonance of her words and the ignorance of the audience of the Blaze, as well as their lack of reasoning.
It’s been reported that advertisers are moving their business from O’Riley’s show to other programs on Fox.
While Fox News doesn’t stand to lose an extraordinary amount of money by the shape-shifting o fits advertisers, for the O’riley show to run commercial free and potentially fewer fans, it would spell a loss of revenue and viewers for the run-up shows.
Putting Lahren in the O’Riley’s time slot would prove to be a rating disaster because Tomi appeals to a less mature audience wit not as much money to spend.
Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin
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