Trump Had A Semi-Lucid Moment, This Morning — During Presser.
This morning, in the face of an incompetent Chief of Police and a non-caring Mayor in the City of Chicago, where Americans are dying more than war-torn countries in the Middle East and Third World nations combined, President Trump raised a critical question, during a speech to Law Enforcement personnel and the nation at large.
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN CHICAGO?” That question appears to be the 64 million dollar question posed to a perplexed Government and most American citizens alike.
However, if someone attains the highest office in the land and the age of seventy and still doesn’t know the answer to that question, then, HOUSTON, we got a problem!
At this juncture, American politician who doesn’t know what’s going on in the City ofChicago: (1) either doesn’t want to know, (2) they’re a knucklehead or (3) they’re crazy. My opinion is: they know, what’s going on, but they just don’t give a F*@k!
But give Trump credit for at least raising the question. Our former presidents, including Obama, never raised the issue.
And Obama was too cozy with his former Chief-of-Staff, now Mayor of Chicago, scumbag Rahm Emmanuel to call him out on the out of control murders taking place in “his” city.
“Those in uniform must be held to the highest standard.” “We must build bridges of partnership and trust with our communities,” the President said.
During the President somewhat disjointed speech, he rambled on about his pet project the “wall” and touched upon the threats that terrorists pose to America and its way of life. Believe me, he said, I know about the dangers they pose.
Trump also went on to chastise his greatest nemesis (aside from the enemy in his head) the Press. As usual, Trump refers to the Media as “dishonest.” Come on Mr. President: Get a grip on the gray matter between your ears.
Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin
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