Like an angry swarm of Yellow Jacket wasps,
a hardened band of Trump old and young lions attacked an African-American woman who found herself in attendance at one of his rallies.
As a frenzied presidential candidate, Trump got high and turned on from the fumes of seeing the abuse of a woman. As he encouraged the mob to “get her outta here.” And they pounced, the glee in the eyes of Trump and the eyes of the animalistic crowd got brighter.
There was not one white American in that crowd of thousands who objected to the criminal attack upon that one Black female.

Candidate Trump then reminisced about the good old day of when they (Nazi) men such as he and his father were able to beat African-Americans at will.
Well, now President Trump is being sued by the woman that he told his racists followers to attack.
Some in the Black community find it appalling that there are some White Nationalists activists such as CNN’s Jeffery Tobin who find it necessary to defend the attackers of the woman.
Tobin has chosen to fly in the face of reality and defend the United States of America White Nationalist president Donald Trump’s “right’ to call for the public beating of a black woman, by a group of angry white men.
CNN contends through Tobin that Trump’s Rebel Yell words of “GET OUT! Get her out of here. In the old day, which is not so long ago” to his ardent followers are not the same as yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater.
What’s real Jeffery Tobin is that Trump gave the command to, “get her out of here” and his followers acted upon his words and attacked the woman.
Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin