Racketeering Enterprise Wells Fargo Bank CEOs Rewarded For Defrauding Its Customers.

John Crooked Stumpf


Does a common thief get paid For Robbery and keep the money that he steals?

Or does she get sent to prison once caught?

After years of scheming, plotting, developing and carrying out an organized pattern of robbing its customers of hundreds of millions of dollars, Wells Fargo Bank CEO John Stumpf and Carrie Tolstedt have finally been caught.


Master Mind Of Racketeering

They both have rewarded handsomely with the money they stole from Bank customers.

What is the sentence after their “judgment?” They have been rewarded handsomely with the money they stole from Bank customers.

Although, two of the top racketeers mentioned above (CEO Stumpf and Tolstedt) have been ordered to return $28 million and $47.3 million respectively to the bank.

They both walk away with hundreds of millions in looted money. Stumpf estimated exit package is upwards of $137 million, minus the $28 mill in clawback. The millions that he was paid during the commission of the crime he also gets to keep. The heist was begun in 2002.

The injured parties or the customers take nothing from the heist except the pain, suffering, and mental anguish that Wells Fargo Bank visited upon them.

Ms. Carrie Tolstedt reportedly walks with roughly $125 million, minus the $47 million in clawback –for masterminding and supervising the prolonged fraud upon Wells Fargo customers.

Read the report:

According to the report,

Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

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SPR112.COM is an online news source. Editor C. Franklin: 55 YO male registered Independent loves God, country, mother, and apple pie. The thought police are busy at work, as was Romania's ex-dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu suppressing thoughts. The people prevailed. Partisanism is like religion/cultism; it clouds the mind.