Rancid Spice R — In Trump’s Cabinet, Defends Putrid Putin And Russia — Against America’s Interest

Where Ever Trump Goes, They Will Follow

Business As Usual Is Over… so says Sean Spicer — Trump’s new mouthpiece. Is that an ominous prediction or what?

In view of the fact that the country is on a trajectory of an improved, strengthening  economy and the unemployment rate has decreased from 9.5 percent in 2009 when Obama took office to 4.4 percent — at the start of 2017.

It begs the question: What does Spicer mean by his “Business as usual is over” statement? Logic teaches us that…

Red Coat Finger Pointer SS

If “A” is = to “B” and “B” is = to “C”, then deductively speaking “A” is = to “C”… following that line of reasoning, the conclusion has been drawn.

Since “business as usual is over,” when Trump the Pied Piper comes to town.

It stands to reason that the plan of the new (Billionaire Club) Administration is to drive up the unemployment rate by weakening and wreaking the economy.

Sean Spicer, Donald Trump’s lackey and Press Secretary in waiting recently appeared on several television shows defending the hacking, by Communist Russia, of the DNC’s computer data base and of its interference with the presidential election.

Most Republican Senators and House members are now marching lock step and barrel and arm in arm with Russia’s Communist KGB officer Putin, although their march with the Hammer and Sickle is detrimental to the USA. The Hammer and Sickle history is one of an established ruling class and all other citizens function as peasant workers. A nation of Billionaires and peasant-naires — no middle-class citizens.

Trump states that he hires billionaires for his Cabinet, because they know how to make money. That is true. They know how to… but they know how to make money for themselves — not other people.

Where are the voices that labeled Obama a Socialist for bringing Universal Health Care to America?

Where are the voices, now that the incoming Administration is flaunting its roll in the hay with enemy state Russia?

At a time, when there is so much REAL Un-American activities being perpetrated by the Red Coats, where is the late Senator Joe McCarthy when he’s needed?                               KGB Putin: Sworn Enemy of The State

The red-scare monster Joseph McCarthy has to be rolling in his grave now to realize that the Americans he persecuted sixty plus years (were true American Patriots) and he had been ahead of his time — by about 65 years.


Staff Writer: Clinton Franklin

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SPR112.COM is an online news source. Editor C. Franklin: 55 YO male registered Independent loves God, country, mother, and apple pie. The thought police are busy at work, as was Romania's ex-dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu suppressing thoughts. The people prevailed. Partisanism is like religion/cultism; it clouds the mind.